iron on label removal
Tips & Tricks

How to Remove An Iron-On Label

Quickly and easily remove an iron-on label from clothing in just a few easy steps!
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Iron-on labels are great. They're an easy, no-sew way to add labels to your items. However, as easy as they are to put on, there sometimes come days where you need to remove that iron-on label from clothes. Whether it's as simple as the label seeming off-center and wanting to correct, or you're removing a name label from clothes, or some other reason entirely, we've got you covered.

As easy as they were to put on, it might seem daunting when asking yourself "how do I get iron-on clothing labels OFF?". We have the answer to that burning (like an iron!) question, and fortunately, it's fairly straight-forward. All it takes are a few commopn household items you probably already have (especially if you had previously added the iron-on label yourself), and a few minutes of your time to get that iron-on label ironed-off.

 pair of tweezers used to remove an iron-on label

Tools to Remove Iron-On Labels

You only really need a few things to remove an iron-on label from clothes. Here's what you'll need (apart from the label that's being removed!):

1. Iron

2. An ironing board or flat surface

3. Parchment/baking paper

4. Tweezers

5. Soap/Fabric-safe Adhesive Remover

 removing an iron-on label using parchment paper

Iron-On Label Removal Instructions

Heat Your Iron

You will most likely be heating your iron to medium-high. Be sure to consult the care labels and instructions on the item from which you're removing your iron-on label, however, in case the item requires a different ironing temperature. (And if you're having trouble deciphering your care labels, we have a handy guide to care label symbols).

Place Your Parchment Paper

Next, you will place a piece of parchment paper over the iron-on label being removed. Press the hot iron firmly down over the label and parchment paper.

Move Your Iron

Move the iron slowly in a circular motion for approximately ten seconds. To prevent damaging your items, it's important to use a circular motion instead of the normal back-and-forth motion associated with ironing.

Remove Your Iron-On Label

Remove the iron and parchment paper. While the label is still warm, use a pair of tweezers to peel a corner of the label. If it comes off easily, peel the entire label off. Otherwise, place the parchment paper and iron back fo the label for additional five-second increments until the label peels off easily.

Clean Up

After removing an iron-on label from your fabric, you will encounter some adhesive residue leftover from the label. Tweezers can be used to remove larger bits of this residue. If there is still residue left over after this, you can use either soapy water or a fabric-safe adhesive remover to finish cleaning your item.

And that's it, you're all done! As easily as you were able to iron-on your label, it can be ironed-off, too! Let us know in the comments or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter if you have any questions about removing your iron-on labels or if you have any great hacks for removing iron-on labels that we may have missed!