Do you charge Sales Tax or VAT?
USA - Sales Tax is charged in the following states
When you enter a shipping address in one of the following states, Sales Tax is charged based on the applicable local Tax Rates.
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Utah
- Virginia
- Wisconsin
If you have a sales tax exemption, please submit this through our customer support before placing your order.
Other states in the USA
When you select a shipping address in any other state (not listed above), no Sales Tax will be charged.
European Union
When your order is shipped to a country in the European Union, the VAT of that country will be charged. The rates are:
- Austria (AT) 20%
- Belgium (BE) 21%
- Bulgaria (BG) 20%
- Croatia (HR) 25%
- Cyprus (CY) 19%
- Czech Republic (CZ) 21%
- Denmark (DK) 25%
- Estonia (EE) 20%
- Finland (FI) 24%
- France (FR) 20%
- Germany (DE) 19%
- Greece (GR) 24%
- Hungary (HU) 27%
- Ireland (IE) 21%
- Italy (IT) 22%
- Latvia (LV) 21%
- Lithuania (LT) 21%
- Luxembourg (LU) 17%
- Malta (MT) 18%
- Netherlands (NL) 21%
- Poland (PL) 23%
- Portugal (PT) 23%
- Romania (RO) 19%
- Slovakia (SK) 20%
- Slovenia (SI) 22%
- Spain (ES) 21%
- Sweden (SE) 25%
For shipping to the European Union (except the Netherlands) we will reverse VAT for all customers with a valid VAT number for the country that they ship to. For example, an Italian customer has a valid Italian VAT number and ships to Italy: then this customer can enter the VAT number during checkout. If it's validated, then no VAT will be charged.
- If the VAT number is entered during checkout, it will also show on the invoice
- We check the VAT validity through this official website.
We charge 20% UK VAT at checkout for all customers. No VAT or duties will be charged by customs or the shipper.
We charge 10% GST at checkout for all customers. No VAT or duties will be charged by customs or the shipper.
When shipping your order to one of the following Provinces, sales tax is charged at checkout based on the rates below. No VAT or duties will be charged by customs or the shipping company.
- Alberta - 5% GST
- British Columbia - 5% GST
- Manitoba - 5% GST
- New Brunswick - 15% HST
- Newfoundland and LAB - 15% HST
- Nova Scotia - 15% HST
- Ontario - 13% HST
- Prince Edward Island - 15% HST
- Quebec - 9.975% QST (before GST) and 5% GST
- Saskatchewan - 5% GST
All other countries
When you select a shipping address in any other country, we will not charge any VAT or Sales Tax on our products. It is possible that such taxes, and/ or import duties, may be charged by your local authorities.