How to Attach a Hang Tag to Your Products

Find out the best way to keep your hang tags securely attached on the shop floor without damaging the items they are attached to. No sewing required!

Hang tags first and foremost should be hung somewhere easily accessible. They should have all of the information customers need at their fingertips, so make sure they can easily find it while browsing.

Hang tags usually have a hole in them where string, twine or yarn is looped through and knotted, either directly around a clothing label, attached with a safety pin, or more commercially with inexpensive plastic tags and a tagging gun. If using a safety pin or tagging gun, you will need to make sure the small pinholes that are made by these methods do not leave obvious marks in the products, particularly with delicate fibres. If you attach them onto the clothing label or an inside seam, you’ll keep your products flawless.

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