What do the Laundry Symbols On A Care Label Mean?

Ever wondered what exactly all those squiggles, squares, and triangles mean? Clear up the confusion with our deep dive into laundry symbols from around the world.

The Care Labelling System in the USA

In the United States, care labels are mandatory on clothing and must be securely attached. The Federal Trade Commision (FTC) oversees this rule and has designed specific instructions for any manufacturers or importers to follow when labeling their items. Both text and ASTM approved symbols can be used and are categorized into 6 different groups that must be shown in the specific order of washing, bleaching, drying, ironing and warnings.

Wash Symbols - Symbols in this category are shaped like a washtub.

  • The dots within the tub indicate the maximum temperature at which the item can be machine washed at showing between 1 (cold) to 6 (hot) dots.
  • A line under the washtub can provide information about washing machine cycles and has three variations: a regular wash tub with no line (normal cycle), a washtub with a line drawn underneath (permanent press cycle), and a washtub with two lines drawn underneath (delicate cycle).
  • The washtub can also show a hand, indicating ‘hand-wash only’.
  • If the washtub is crossed-out, this means the item should not be washed in a machine at all.

Bleaching - A triangle indicates bleaching instructions

  • An open triangle indicates that any bleach is allowed.
  • A triangle with lines indicates oxygenated bleach only.
  • A crossed-out triangle indicating that bleach is not allowed.

Drying - A square indicates drying instructions

  • Tumble drying is indicated with a circle inside the square, with dots inside the circle indicating maximum temperature allowed. Just like the washing symbols, a line underneath the tumble dry symbol will indicate if a permanent press cycle (1 line) or delicate drying cycle ( 2 line) is needed.
  • Horizontal or vertical lines in the square indicate different drying methods such as line dry, drip dry and dry flat.
  • A crossed-out circle within a square indicates not to tumble dry.

Additional Symbols - These symbols are extras that can be included

  • A twist symbol with a cross indicates to not wring excess water from the item. This is often important for delicate and natural fibres, such as wool and silk, as it can distort the shape of the piece.

Ironing - An iron shaped symbol indicates ironing instructions

  • Single dot within the iron symbol indicates ironing with low heat on a maximum temperature of 210°F.
  • Two dots indicate iron with medium heat or at a maximum temperature of 300°F.
  • Three dots indicate iron with high heat, or at a maximum temperature of 400°F.
  • A crossed-out iron indicates not to iron the item at all.

Dry-cleaning - A circle indicates dry-cleaning instructions

  • Letters inside the circle could be F, P or W. These indicate to the dry cleaner which chemicals can be used.
  • A cross through the circle indicates the garment should not be dry-cleaned at all.

Additional Symbols - These symbols are extras that can be included

  • A twist symbol with a cross indicates to not wring excess water from the item. This is often important for delicate and natural fibres, such as wool and silk, as it can distort the shape of the piece.

Warnings - In the US it is important to include any warnings that are applicable to the specific item. For example, if an item is not colorfast, the label must say "Wash with like colors" or "Wash separately”.

The Australian Care Labelling System

The Australian care label system does not require specific symbols, however, laundering instructions need to be written in clear English and easily accessible within the item or garment. The laundering instructions should follow the same order as below and consist of:

  • Washing temperature – cold, warm, hot, very hot.
  • Washing method – hand wash, short machine wash, gentle machine wash, machine wash, do not wash.
    To note: Phrases stating washing temperature and method can be combined to form a concise phrase – e.g. cold hand wash only, warm machine wash.
  • Drying method – tumble dry cold/warm/hot, drip dry, dry flat, line dry in shade.
  • Bleaching instruction – do not bleach, any bleach possible, Oxygenated bleach only.
  • Ironing instructions – do not iron, cool iron only, hot iron with steam.
  • Dry Cleaning Instructions – drycleaning only, drycleaning recommended, do not dry clean.

(Image gallery of care & content labels with english text)

The Canadian Care Labelling System

Care labels in Canada are voluntary but highly recommended. Care labels should be written in both English and French and follow the symbols approved in either the US or the International care labelling system.

Wash Symbol - Symbols in this category are shaped like a washtub

  • The dots within the tub indicate the maximum temperature at which the item can be machine washed at.
  • The washtub can also show a hand, indicating ‘hand-wash only’
  • If the washtub is crossed-out, this means the item should not be washed in a machine at all.

Bleaching Symbol - A triangle indicates bleaching instructions

  • An open triangle indicates that any bleach is allowed.
  • A triangle with lines indicates oxygenated bleach only is allowed.
  • A crossed-out triangle indicating that bleach is not allowed.

Drying Symbol - A square indicates drying instructions

  • Tumble drying is indicated with a circle inside the square, with dots inside the circle indicating maximum temperature allowed.
  • Horizontal or vertical lines in the square indicate different drying methods such as line dry, drip dry and dry flat.
  • A crossed-out circle within a square indicates not to tumble dry.

Ironing Symbol - An iron shaped symbol indicates ironing instructions

  • Single dot within the iron symbol indicates ironing with low heat on a maximum temperature of 110°C.
  • Two dots indicate iron with medium heat or at a maximum temperature of 150°C.
  • Three dots indicate iron with high heat, or at a maximum temperature of 200°C.
  • A crossed-out iron indicates not to iron the item at all.

Dry-cleaning Symbol - A circle indicates dry-cleaning instructions

  • Letters inside the circle could be F, P or W. These indicate to the dry cleaner which chemicals can be used.
  • A cross through the circle indicates the garment should not be dry-cleaned at all..

International & European Care Labelling System

Both the International (ISO) and the European care labelling systems follow the same standards set by an International Association called GINTEX. Their aim is to standardize care symbols across  Austria, Belgium,  England, France, Germany, Israel, The Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland.

The laws pertaining to European care labeling vary by country within the continent, with some countries (such as Austria) making care labels mandatory. It is a good idea to add care labels to any items that you will sell in Europe so that they meet any specific country’s requirements.

In the International and European Care Labeling Systems, symbols are categorized into five groups and shown in a specific order:

Wash Symbols - Symbols in this category are shaped like a washtub

  • The number within the tub indicates the maximum temperature at which the item can be machine washed at – 30, 40, 60, or 90 °C.
  • The washtub can also show a hand, indicating ‘hand-wash only’
  • If the washtub is crossed-out, this means the item should not be washed in a machine at all.

Bleaching - A triangle indicates bleaching instructions

  • An open triangle indicates that any bleach is allowed.
  • A triangle with lines indicates oxygenated bleach only is allowed.
  • A crossed-out triangle indicating that bleach is not allowed.

Drying - A square indicates drying instructions

  • Tumble drying is indicated with a circle inside the square, with dots inside the circle indicating maximum temperature allowed.
  • Horizontal or vertical lines in the square indicate different drying methods such as line dry, drip dry and dry flat.
  • A crossed-out circle within a square indicates not to tumble dry.

Ironing - An iron shaped symbol indicates ironing instructions

  • Single dot within the iron symbol indicates ironing with low heat on a maximum temperature of 110°C.
  • Two dots indicate iron with medium heat or at a maximum temperature of 150°C.
  • Three dots indicate iron with high heat, or at a maximum temperature of 200°C.
  • A crossed-out iron indicates not to iron the item at all.

Dry-cleaning - A circle indicates dry-cleaning instructions

  • Letters inside the circle could be F, P or W. These indicate to the dry cleaner which chemicals can be used.
  • A cross through the circle indicates the garment should not be dry-cleaned at all.

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